
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Where do the vacuum lines terminate that mount on the top of the throttle body.

Its a tee shape vacuum line from throttle body at the top.
One of the T lines goes to operate the interior vent controls.
The other goes to the vacuum reservoir. usually a round plastic ball or a plastic box. stops the vents from changing position on acceleration.

Where do the vacuum lines terminate that mount on the top of the
throttle body?

One will end at the fuel pressure regulator at the end of the fuel rail. The other will end at the CCP (charcoal cannister purge) solenoid bolted to the back of the block.

The line coming off the throttle body attaches to the top nipple. The line going to the cannister attaches to the bottom one.

ITS FOR 1998 model, but for 1994 will be near to similar:---
See vac hose diagram for throttle body:---




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