Fig. Fig. 10: Some fuel may spill out of the line connections, so place a rag under the fittings to catch it
Fig. Fig. 13: Lift the throttle body straight up and be careful not to drop anything into the manifold
- Relieve the pressure in the fuel system.
- Remove the air cleaner. Disconnect the negative battery cable from the battery.
- Disconnect the electrical connectors from the idle air control valve, the throttle position sensor and the fuel injector(s).
- Remove the throttle return spring(s), the cruise control (if equipped) and the throttle linkage.
- Label and disconnect the vacuum hoses from the throttle body.
- Place a rag (to catch the excess fuel) under the fuel line-to-throttle body connection, then disconnect the fuel line from the throttle body.
- Remove the attaching hardware, the throttle body-to-intake manifold bolts, the throttle body and the gasket.
Be sure to place a cloth in the intake manifold to prevent dirt from entering the engine.
- Using a gasket remover (if necessary), clean the gasket mounting surfaces.
- Use a new gasket. Install the gasket, throttle body and mounting bolts. Torque the throttle body-to-intake manifold nuts/bolts to 13 ft. lbs. (17 Nm).
- Connect the fuel lines to the throttle body.
- Connect the vacuum hoses to the throttle body.
- Install the throttle return spring(s), the cruise control (if equipped) and the throttle linkage.
- Depress the accelerator pedal to the floor and release it, to see if the pedal returns freely.
- Connect the electrical connectors to the idle air control valve, the throttle position sensor and the fuel injector(s).
- Install the air cleaner. Connect the negative battery cable to the battery.
- Start the engine, check for leaks and proper operation.
See Figure 17
Before performing this check, there should be no codes displayed, idle air control system has been checked and ignition timing is correct.
- CONTROLLED IDLE SPEED CHECK: set the parking brake and block the wheels.
- Connect a SCAN tool to the ALDL connector with the tool in the OPEN MODE.
- Start the engine and bring it to normal operating temperature.
- Check for correct state of Park/Neutral switch on the SCAN tool.
- If the idle and IAC counts are not within specifications:2.5L MT in NEUTRAL 800 rpm, 5-20 IAC valve counts and in the closed loop.2.5L AT in DRIVE 750 rpm, 5-20 IAC valve counts and in the closed loop.4.3L MT in NEUTRAL 500-550 rpm, 2-12 IAC valve counts and in the closed loop.4.3L AT in DRIVE 500-550 rpm, 10-25 IAC valve counts and in the closed loop.
- MINIMUM IDLE AIR RATE CHECK: check the controlled idle speed and perform the idle air control system check first.
- With the IAC valve connected, ground the diagnostic A and B terminals of the ALDL connector.
- Turn ON the ignition with engine NOT running, wait for ten seconds to allow the IAC valve to stabilize. Remove the ground from the ALDL and disconnect the IAC valve.
- Connect the SCAN tool to the ALDL connector and place in the open mode. If a SCAN tool is not available, connect a tachometer to the engine.
- Start the engine and allow to stabilize.
- Check the rpm using the specifications.
- If the minimum idle rate is not within specifications perform the following:
- Remove the idle stop screw plug by piercing it with an awl, then apply leverage to remove the plug.
- Adjust the screw to the specified rpm.
- Turn the engine OFF, disconnect the SCAN tool, reconnect the IAC valve and cover the idle stop screw with silicone sealer.
- Install the air cleaner, adapter and gasket.
Intake Manifold
See Figures 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
Fig. Fig. 5: ... a ratchet with various extensions will be very helpful for this, then carefully ...
Fig. Fig. 6: ... remove the manifold-NOTE the TBI unit or carb need not be removed on VIN B, N or Z engines
Fig. Fig. 8: To keep debris out of the engine, cover all openings before cleaning the gasket surfaces
See Figures 9, 10 and 11
Fig. Fig. 9: Exploded view of the 4.3L (VIN B, N and Z) engine intake manifold mounting and RTV sealant application-NOTE that bolt/stud locations will vary based on model year and emission packages
The intake manifold is located between the cylinder heads.
- From inside the vehicle, remove the engine cover. For details, please refer to General Information & Maintenance of this information.
- Properly relieve the fuel system pressure, then disconnect the negative battery cable.
- Remove the air cleaner assembly and the heat stove tube.
- Place a catch pan under the radiator, open the drain cock and drain the cooling system.
- Matchmark and remove the distributor assembly.
- If equipped, remove the cruise control transducer.
- Disconnect the throttle linkage (accelerator, cruise control and the transmission detent cables, as equipped).
- Remove the air conditioning compressor from the engine and support aside, leaving the refrigerant lines connected. Be sure not to stretch, stress or otherwise damage the A/C lines.
- Disconnect the engine oil filler tube (at the manifold bracket) and the transmission dipstick/oil filler tube (if equipped) at the manifold or alternator brackets (as applicable).
- If applicable on early-model vehicles, remove the air conditioning compressor belt idler (if equipped) from the alternator bracket, then the alternator bracket.
- Tag and disconnect the fuel hoses, the vacuum lines and the electrical connectors from the carburetor or the throttle body, as applicable.
- On early-model vehicles so equipped, remove the Air Injection Reactor (AIR) hoses and brackets.
- Disconnect the heater hose and the upper radiator hose.
- If used, remove the power brake vacuum pipe.
- If equipped with an external ignition coil, disengage the wiring, then remove the coil.
- Disconnect the EGR vacuum line.
- Remove the sensors and bracket from the right side of the engine.
When removing the intake manifold retainers, take careful note of the locations for all bolts and studs. The stud locations will vary based on production year and emission packages, but the studs must be installed in their original locations is all engine accessories and controls are to be properly reinstalled.
- Remove the intake manifold-to-cylinder head bolts, then carefully lift and remove the intake manifold from the engine.
- Using a plastic scraper, clean the gasket mounting surfaces, the carbon deposits from the exhaust/EGR passages and the scale/deposits from the coolant passages.
- Inspect the intake manifold for cracks.
- Use new gaskets and RTV sealant (apply a 3 / 16 in. (5mm) bead to the front and rear manifold seals, extend the bead approximately 1 / 2 in. (13mm) up each cylinder head to seal and retain the gaskets). Tighten the intake manifold-to-cylinder head bolts/studs using 2 passes of the proper sequence to 35 ft. lbs. (48 Nm). On 1991-94 vehicles, then tighten bolt 9 to 41 ft. lbs. (56 Nm)
- Install the emission sensors and bracket.
- Connect the EGR vacuum line.
- If equipped with an external ignition coil, install the coil and engage the wiring.
- If used, install the power brake vacuum pipe.
- Connect the upper radiator hose and the heater hose.
- If equipped, install the Air Injection Reactor (AIR) hoses and brackets.
- Install the fuel hoses, the vacuum lines and the electrical connectors to the carburetor or throttle body, as tagged during removal.
- If applicable on early-model vehicles, install the air conditioning compressor belt idler (if equipped) to the alternator bracket, then the alternator bracket.
- Reposition and secure the engine oil filler tube and the transmission dipstick/filler tube (as applicable).
- If equipped, reposition and secure the A/C compressor.
- Connect the throttle linkage (accelerator, cruise control and transmission detent cables, as equipped).
- Align and install the distributor assembly.
- If equipped, install the cruise control transducer.
- Install the air cleaner and heat stove tube assembly.
- Connect the negative battery cable.
- Properly refill the engine cooling system, then check for leaks.
- Once the engine has cooled sufficiently, install the engine cover to the passenger compartment.
See Figures 12, 13 and 14
Fig. Fig. 14: Exploded view of the upper and lower intake manifold assembly-1992-95 4.3L (VIN W) engine
The manufacturer warns that it may be necessary to disconnect the refrigerant lines from the back of the compressor in order to remove the upper intake manifold assembly. If your vehicle is equipped with A/C, before beginning this procedure you must remove determine if this is necessary. If so, take the vehicle to a reputable repair facility and have the A/C system discharged and recovered using a suitable recovery station. ALSO, remember that if you are wrong and later decide that the system must be discharged, you may have to significantly reassemble the motor so the van may be driven to the repair facility.
Unlike previous versions of the 4.3L engine, the VIN W utilizes separate upper and lower intake manifold assemblies. It is possible to remove only the upper manifold assembly for access to fuel injection components. If this is all that is necessary on your vehicle, follow only the steps up to upper intake manifold removal, then skip to that portion of the installation procedure.
- Open the hood, then from inside the vehicle, remove the engine cover. For details, please refer to General Information & Maintenance of this information.
- If your vehicle is equipped with A/C determine if the compressor can be unbolted and repositioned in order to allow upper manifold removal or if the A/C refrigerant lines will have to be removed from the compressor. If you determine they must be removed from the compressor, take the vehicle to a reputable repair facility to have the system discharged and recovered.
If only the upper intake manifold is being removed, the fuel system pressure does not need to be released. ALWAYS release the pressure before disconnecting any fuel lines.
- Unless only the upper intake manifold is being removed, properly relieve the fuel system pressure.
- Disconnect the negative battery cable for safety.
- Unless only the upper intake manifold is being removed, drain the engine cooling system.
- Remove the air cleaner box and inlet duct.
- Disengage the wiring harness from the necessary upper intake components including:Throttle Position (TP) sensorIdle Air Control (IAC) motorManifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensorCommunicator valve
- Disengage the throttle linkage, and the TV linkage if applicable) from the upper intake manifold.
- Disengage the wiring, then remove the ignition coil.
- Disconnect the PCV hose at the rear of the upper intake manifold, then tag and disengage the vacuum hoses from both the front and rear of the upper intake.
- If equipped with A/C, either unbolt and reposition the compressor (you will have to remove the serpentine drive belt first) or disconnect the refrigerant lines from the rear of the compressor. Remember that the A/C refrigerant must be recovered using a suitable recycling/recovery station before the lines can be disconnected.
- Remove the upper intake manifold bolts and studs, making sure to note or mark the location of all studs to assure proper installation. Remove the upper intake manifold from the engine.
- Disengage the wiring from the distributor (or HVS as applicable, they both perform the job of "distributing'' secondary ignition voltage to the plugs and are visually very similar) and matchmark the distributor or HVS, then remove the assembly from the engine.
- Disconnect the upper radiator hose at the thermostat housing and the heater hose at the lower intake manifold.
- Disconnect the fuel supply and return lines at the rear of the lower intake manifold.
- Disengage the wiring harness connectors from the necessary lower intake components including:Fuel injectorExhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) valveEngine Coolant Temperature (ECT) sensor
- Remove the lower intake manifold retaining bolts, then remove the manifold from the engine.
- Using a plastic scraper, carefully clean the gasket mounting surfaces. Be sure to inspect the manifold for warpage and/or cracks; if necessary, replace the manifold.
- Position the gaskets to the cylinder heads with the port blocking plates to the rear and the "this side up'' stamps facing upward, then apply a 3 /16 in. (5mm) bead of RTV sealant to the front and rear of the engine block at the block-to-manifold mating surface. Extend the bead 1 / 2 in. (13mm) up each cylinder head to seal and retain the gaskets.
- Install the lower intake manifold taking care not to disturb the gaskets. Apply sealer such as GM 1052080 or equivalent to the lower manifold retaining bolts, then install and tighten the manifold retainers to 35 ft. lbs. (48 Nm) using the proper torque sequence.
- Engage the wiring harness to the lower manifold components, including the injector, EGR valve and ECT sensor.
- Connect the fuel supply and return lines to the rear of the lower intake. Temporarily reconnect the negative battery cable, then pressurize the fuel system (by cycling the ignition without starting the engine) and check for leaks. Disconnect the negative battery cable for safety and continue installation.
- Connect the heater hose to the lower intake and the upper radiator hose to the thermostat housing.
- Align the matchmarks and install the distributor or HVS assembly, then engage the wiring.
- Position a new upper intake manifold gasket on the engine, making sure the green sealing lines are facing upward.
- Install the upper intake manifold being careful not to pinch the fuel injector wires or fuel lines between the manifolds.
- Install the manifold retainers, making sure the studs are properly positioned, then tighten them gradually and evenly to 124 inch lbs. (14 Nm).
- Either reposition and secure the A/C compressor or remove the plugs and reconnect the A/C refrigerant lines to the rear of the compressor.
- Connect the PCV hose to the rear of the upper intake manifold and the vacuum hoses to both the front and rear of the manifold assembly.
- Install the ignition coil and engage the wiring.
- Connect the throttle linkage to the upper intake.
- Engage the necessary wiring to the upper intake components including the TP sensor, IAC motor, MAP sensor and the communicator valve.
- Install the air cleaner and air inlet duct.
- Connect the negative battery cable.
- Properly refill the engine cooling system, then check for leaks.
- Once the engine has cooled sufficiently, install the engine cover to the passenger compartment.
- If the A/C system was discharged, take the van to a reputable repair facility to have the system evacuated, recharged and leak tested. DO NOT WAIT LONG to do this or moisture which entered the system while it was discharged will cause corrosion and internal system damage. ALSO, DO NOT run the compressor until the system has been properly recharged. Depending on how your model is equipped this may mean you CANNOT use the defogger (this automatically turns the compressor on in some vehicles).
See Figures 15, 16, 17 and 18
Fig. Fig. 15: Exploded view of the upper intake manifold and Central Sequential Fuel Injection (CSFI) components
Unlike early versions of the 4.3L engine, the VIN W utilizes separate upper and lower intake manifold assemblies. It is possible to remove only the upper manifold assembly for access to fuel injection components. If this is all that is necessary on your vehicle, follow only the steps up to upper intake manifold removal, then skip to that portion of the installation procedure.
- From inside the vehicle, remove the engine cover. For details, please refer to General Information & Maintenance of this information.
If only the upper intake manifold is being removed, the fuel system pressure does not need to be released. ALWAYS release the pressure before disconnecting any fuel lines.
- Unless only the upper intake manifold assembly is being removed, properly relieve the fuel system pressure.
- Disconnect the negative battery cable for safety.
- Unless only the upper intake manifold is being removed, drain the engine cooling system.
- Remove the air cleaner box and inlet duct.
- Disengage the wiring harness from the necessary upper intake components (including brackets), then position the harness aside.
- Disengage the throttle linkage and cruise control cable (if equipped), along with the bracket from the upper intake manifold.
- Disconnect the fuel line bracket from the rear of the lower intake manifold.
- Disconnect the PCV hose at the upper intake manifold.
- Disengage the wiring, then remove the ignition coil and bracket.
- Remove the purge solenoid and bracket.
- Remove the upper intake manifold bolts and studs, making sure to note or mark the location of all studs to assure proper installation. Remove the upper intake manifold from the engine.
- Matchmark the relationship of the HVS housing and rotor for proper installation, then remove the HVS distributor assembly from the engine.
- Disconnect the upper radiator hose at the thermostat housing and the heater hose at the lower intake manifold.
- Remove the EGR valve.
- Disconnect the coolant bypass hose.
- Disconnect the fuel supply and return lines at the rear of the lower intake manifold.
- Disengage the wiring harness connectors and brackets from the necessary lower intake components.
- Remove the throttle linkage and cable(s) with bracket from the lower intake manifold.
- Remove the transmission fluid level indicator tube.
- Remove the EGR tube, clamp and bolt.
- Remove the PCV valve and vacuum hoses.
- Remove the air conditioning compressor, bracket and accessory drive bracket. Reposition and support the A/C compressor aside with the refrigerant lines intact.
- If needed, remove the alternator bracket bolt next to the thermostat housing
- Remove the lower intake manifold retaining bolts, then remove the manifold from the engine.
- Using a plastic scraper, carefully clean the gasket mounting surfaces. Be sure to inspect the manifold for warpage and/or cracks; if necessary, replace the manifold.
- Position the gaskets to the cylinder head with the port blocking plates to the rear and the "this side up'' stamps facing upward, then apply a 3 / 16in. (5mm) bead of RTV sealant to the front and rear of the engine block at the block-to-manifold mating surface. Extend the bead 1 / 2 in. (13mm) up each cylinder head to seal and retain the gaskets.
- Install the lower intake manifold taking care not to disturb the gaskets. Apply sealer such as GM 1052080 or equivalent to the lower manifold retaining bolts, then install and tighten the manifold retainers in 3 passes of the proper sequence.
- First, tighten lower manifold bolts to 26 inch lbs. (3 Nm).
- Then, tighten the bolts to 106 inch lbs. (12 Nm).
- Finally, tighten the bolts to 11 ft. lbs. (15 Nm).
- Install the alternator bracket bolt, next to the thermostat housing.
- Connect the coolant bypass hose, then install the EGR valve.
- Connect the upper radiator hoses at the thermostat housing and the heater hose at the lower manifold.
- Engage the wiring harness and brackets to the lower manifold components.
- Connect the fuel supply and return lines at the rear of the lower intake. Temporarily reconnect the negative battery cable, then pressurize the fuel system (by cycling the ignition without starting the engine) and check for leaks. Disconnect the negative battery cable for safety and continue installation.
- Install the throttle linkage cable(s) and bracket to the lower manifold.
- Install the transmission fluid level indicator tube.
- Install the EGR tube, clamp and bolt.
- Install the PCV valve and connect the vacuum hoses.
- If equipped, carefully reposition and secure the A/C compressor, bracket and accessory drive bracket.
- Align the matchmarks and install the HVS distributor assembly, then engage the wiring.
- Position a new upper intake manifold gasket on the engine.
- Install the upper intake manifold being careful not to pinch the fuel injector wires or lines between the manifolds.
- Install the manifold retainers (starting with the 2 corner studs first to help align the 2 halves), making sure the studs are properly positioned, then tighten them using the proper sequence to 83 inch lbs. (10 Nm).
- Install the purge solenoid and bracket.
- Install the ignition coil and bracket, then engage the wiring.
- Connect the PCV hose at the upper intake manifold assembly.
- Secure the fuel lines to the intake at the rear of the block.
- Connect the throttle linkage to the upper intake.
- Engage the necessary wiring and brackets to the upper intake components.
- Install the air cleaner and air inlet duct.
- Connect the negative battery cable.
- Properly refill the engine cooling system and check for leaks.
- Once the engine has cooled sufficiently, install the engine cover to the passenger compartment.
Electric Fuel Pump
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