Removal & Installation
- Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the Precautions section.
- Remove or disconnect the following:Negative battery cableEngine coverIntake manifoldBreather hose and engine harnessPower steering pulleyA/C pulleyCrankshaft pulleyIdler pulley and tensioner pulleyTiming belt cover and loosen the auto tensionerTiming beltSpark plug cablesRocker arm coverCamshaft sprocketsCamshaft bearing capsCamshafts
To install:
- Rotate the crankshaft so that the No. 1 cylinder is at the Top Dead Center (TDC) position.
- Make certain that the rocker arm is installed properly on the lash adjuster and valve.
- Install the camshaft dowel pin.
- Install or connect the following:Hydraulic lash adjusters in their original locationsLash adjuster retaining clipsCamshaftsRocker arm and shaft assemblies and torque the bearing cap bolts 14-15 ft. lbs. (19-21 Nm) starting from the center and working out
- Remove the lash adjuster retaining clips.Camshaft sprockets and torque the bolts to 79 ft. lbs. (110 Nm)Rocker arm cover with a new gasketSpark plug cablesTiming belt, cover and tensionerIdler pulleyTensioner pulleyCrankshaft pulleyA/C pulleyPower steering pump pulleyBreather hose and engine harnessIntake manifoldEngine coverNegative battery cable
Fig. The camshaft bearing caps are identified with a letter and number stamp. The letter indicates either intake or exhaust and the number is sequential from the cylinder head end opposite the timing chain-1.6L DOHC, 1.8L and 2.0L engines
Fig. The camshaft bearing caps are arranged on the cylinder head as illustrated-1.6L DOHC, 1.8L and 2.0L engines
- Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the precautions in the beginning of this section.
- Remove or disconnect the following:NOTEKeep all valvetrain components in order for assembly.Negative battery cableAccessory drive beltsFront coverTiming beltCamshaft sprocketDistributor, if equippedCamshaft position sensor, if equippedValve coverCamshaft bearing caps and timing chainIntake and exhaust camshaftsHydraulic lash adjusters
To install:
- Install or connect the following:Hydraulic lash adjusters in their original positionsIntake and exhaust camshafts with the secondary chain aligned as shownCamshaft bearing caps and timing chain and torque the bolts to 15 ft. lbs. (21 Nm) for 2.0L (VIN P) engines or to 10 ft. lbs. (14 Nm) for all othersValve coverDistributor, if equippedCamshaft position sensor, if equippedCamshaft sprocket and torque the bolt to 60-74 ft. lbs. (80-100 Nm)Timing beltFront coverAccessory drive beltsNegative battery cable
Fig. The camshaft bearing caps are identified with a letter and number stamp. The letter indicates either intake or exhaust and the number is sequential from the cylinder head end opposite the timing chain-1.6L DOHC, 1.8L and Elantra and Tiburon 2.0L engines
Fig. The camshaft bearing caps are arranged on the cylinder head as illustrated-1.6L DOHC, 1.8L and Elantra and Tiburon 2.0L engines
- Before servicing the vehicle, refer to the Precautions section.
- Remove or disconnect the following:NOTEKeep all valvetrain components in order for assembly.Negative battery cableAccessory drive beltsFront coverTiming beltCamshaft sprocketDistributor, if equippedCamshaft position sensor, if equippedValve coverCamshaft bearing caps and timing chainIntake and exhaust camshaftsHydraulic lash adjusters
To install:
- Install or connect the following:Hydraulic lash adjusters in their original positionsIntake and exhaust camshafts with the secondary chain aligned as shownCamshaft bearing caps and timing chain and torque the bolts to 15 ft. lbs. (21 Nm) for 2.0L (VIN P) engines or to 10 ft. lbs. (14 Nm) for all othersValve coverDistributor, if equippedCamshaft position sensor, if equippedCamshaft sprocket and torque the bolt to 60-74 ft. lbs. (80-100 Nm)Timing beltFront coverAccessory drive beltsNegative battery cable
Fig. The camshaft bearing caps are identified with a letter and number stamp. The letter indicates either intake or exhaust and the number is sequential from the cylinder head end opposite the timing chain -1.6L DOHC, and Elantra and Tiburon 2.0L engines