The details are mentioned below,for you to follow :--------

To install:

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See Figures 1 through 17
The engine/transmission assembly must to be extracted from the vehicle and the cylinder head removed before performing work on the timing chain.
Fig. Fig. 1: View of the timing chain and gear component locations
- Remove the engine from the vehicle.
- Separate the engine and transmission.
- Remove the cylinder head from the engine block.
- Remove the crankshaft pulley as follows:
- Using a holding device, secure the crankshaft. Loosen the pulley bolt.
- Remove the tool and pulley bolt.
- Using a puller, extract the crankshaft pulley.
- Loosen the left engine mounting bolts and the left hand mounting stay, then extract the assembly from the engine.
- Remove the oil pressure switch.
- Remove the No. 1 engine oil dipstick.
- Unbolt and remove the No. 2 engine hanger.
- Unbolt and extract the ventilation case, discard the gasket.
- Remove the No. 1 oil dipstick guide and gasket.
- Remove the crankshaft position sensor if equipped.
- Remove the crankcase as follows:
- Remove the 16 bolts and 2 nuts on the case.
- Using a pry tool (09032-00100), and a brass bar, separate the crankcase from the cylinder block.
- Remove the No. 2 oil dipstick guide and oil baffle plate by removing the two bolts and three nuts.
- Unbolt and remove the oil filter bracket with the oil filter. Remove the O-ring from the timing chain case.
- Remove the timing chain case as follows:
- Remove the three bolts from the rear of the timing chain cover.
- Remove the 12 bolts and two nuts from the front of the chain cover.
- Using a plastic faced hammer, tap the chain case and remove the timing chain case and two gaskets.
- Remove the No. 1 timing chain and camshaft timing gear.
- Unbolt and remove the chain slipper and damper.
- Remove the oil jet by removing the bolt.
- Remove the No. 2 timing chain and idle gear as follows:
- Loosen the two bolts to the idle gear chain guide.
- Tighten the lower bolt while pushing the idle gear chain guide to the left with your finger.
- Remove the two bolts and remove the chain and idle gear as an assembly.
- Remove the crankshaft timing gear. If the gear can not be removed by hand, use a puller to extract it.
To install:
- Install the crankshaft timing gear as follows:
- Turn the crankshaft until the shaft key is on the top.
- Slide the gear over the key on the crankshaft. If the gear is hard to install by hand, carefully drive it in.
- Install the No. 2 timing chain and idle gear as follows:
- Place the No. 2 timing chain on the idle gear.
- Position the No. 2 timing chain on the crankshaft gear.
- Install and tighten the two bolts to 14 ft. lbs. (20 Nm).
- Loosen the lower bolt so that the chain guide presses against the chain.
- Check that the spring is operating normally against the chain guide by pressing on the chain with your finger and then releasing your finger.
- With the chain guide pressing against the chain, tighten the bolts to hold the chain guide in place. Tighten the bolts to 14 ft. lbs. (20 Nm).
- Install the oil jet with a new gasket. Tighten the bolt to 13 ft. lbs. (18 Nm).
- Install the chain damper and slipper by installing the three bolts. Tighten the chain damper bolts to 13 ft. lbs. (18 Nm) and the chain slipper bolt to 20 ft. lbs. (27 Nm).
- Place the No. 1 timing chain and camshaft timing gear as follows:
- Place the timing chain on the camshaft timing gear so that the timing mark is between the two bright chain links.
- Position the timing chain on the crankshaft timing gear with the single bright link aligned with the timing mark on the crankshaft timing gear.
- Make sure the timing chain is positioned between the damper and slipper.
- Turn the camshaft timing gear counterclockwise to take the slack out of the chain.
- Tie the timing chain with a cord and make sure it doesn't come loose.
Fig. Fig. 13: Align the timing chain on the camshaft gear so that the timing mark is between the two bright links
- Install the timing chain case as follows:
- Clean the gasket surface for the timing chain case.
- Install two new gaskets over the dowels.
- Slide on the chain case over the dowels.
- Install the bolts and nuts and tighten the bolts as follows:
A to 14 ft. lbs. (20 Nm)
B to 21 ft. lbs. (28 Nm)
C to 32 ft. lbs. (44 Nm)
- Install and tighten the three chain case bolts (rear) to 13 ft. lbs. (18 Nm).
- Using a new O-ring, Install the oil filter bracket with the oil filter. Tighten the three bolts to 14 ft. lbs. (20 Nm).
- Install the baffle plate and the No. 2 oil dipstick guide. Tighten the three baffle plate nuts to 43 inch lbs. (5 Nm) and the two No. 2 oil dipstick guide bolts to 13 ft. lbs. (18 Nm).
- Install the crankcase to the engine. Tighten the 16 bolts and two nuts to 9 ft. lbs. (12 Nm).
- Install the ventilation case with a new gasket. Tighten the three bolts to 69 inch lbs. (8 Nm).
- Install the No. 1 oil dipstick guide with a new gasket. Tighten the nut to 22 ft. lbs. (29 Nm).
- Install the No. 2 engine hanger with the four bolts. Tighten the bolts to the cylinder head to 27 ft. lbs. (37 Nm) and the bolts to the ventilation side to 69 inch lbs. (8 Nm).
- Install the engine oil dipstick.
- Install the oil pressure switch and tighten to 11 ft. lbs. (15 Nm).
- Install the left hand engine mounting and stay. Tighten the bolts for the mounting to 30 ft. lbs. (41 Nm) and the stay bolts to 27 ft. lbs. (37 Nm).
- Install the crankshaft pulley as follows:
- Install the crankshaft pulley to the crankshaft with the spline teeth of the crankshaft pulley engaged with the large teeth of the oil pump.
- Rotate the crankshaft pulley to the left and right and check that the key groove of the crankshaft pulley correctly fits the crankshaft key.
- Install the crankshaft pulley bolt.
- Using the holding device, 09213-58012 and 09330-00021, or equivalent, tighten the bolt to 192 ft. lbs. (260 Nm).
- Remove the cord from the timing chain.
- Install the cylinder head.
- Connect the engine and transmission.
- Install the engine and transmission to the vehicle.
- Top off all fluid levels. Test drive the vehicle.
This basic details will help.Thanks.
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