Steering Wheel
See Figures 1 and 2
Without Air Bag
- Ensure the steering wheel and the vehicle's front wheels are in the straight ahead position.
- Disconnect the negative battery cable.
- Working through the access holes in the back of the wheel, remove the attaching screws and push the horn pad off the wheel.
Do not attempt to pry the pad off the steering wheel front the front side.
- Disconnect the horn wire.
- Matchmark the steering wheel and shaft.
- Remove the steering wheel retaining nut.
- Using a steering wheel puller, remove the steering wheel from the shaft.
- Align and install the steering wheel on the column shaft.
- Install a new retaining nut and tighten the nut to 45 ft. lbs. (61 Nm).
- Connect the horn wire.
- Install the horn pad on the steering wheel and tighten the attaching screws securely.
- Connect the negative battery cable.
Do not move the front wheels or steering shaft once the steering wheel is removed. Moving the front wheels or steering shaft will disturb the relationship between the clock spring and the shaft. If the relationship has been disturbed, the clock spring must be centered prior to reinstalling the steering wheel.
- Disconnect the negative battery cable.
- Wait two minutes. This time is required to discharge the capacitor and prevent unintended air bag deployment. The system is now disarmed.
- Ensure the steering wheel and the vehicle's front wheels are in the straight ahead position.
- As required, remove the speed control switches from the horn pad by unscrewing the attaching screws.
- Remove the four air bag module retaining nuts at the back of the steering wheel.
- Pull the module far enough away from the steering wheel to disconnect the clockspring wire harness.
- Label and disconnect the clockspring wire harness.
- Remove the air bag module from the steering wheel.
- Matchmark the steering wheel and shaft.
- Remove the steering wheel retaining nut.
- Using a steering wheel puller, remove the steering wheel from the shaft.
- Align and install the steering wheel on the column shaft.
- Install a new retaining nut and tighten the nut to 45 ft. lbs. (61 Nm).
- Connect the clockspring wire harness.
- Install the four air bag module retaining nuts and tighten to 80-100 inch lbs. (9-11 Nm).
- As required, install the speed control switches on the horn pad.
- Connect the negative battery cable.
- Check the air bag system for proper function prior to driving the vehicle.
Steering Linkage
See Figures 1 and 2
- Raise and safely support the vehicle securely on jackstands.
- Remove the front wheels.
- Remove the cotter pins and retaining nuts from the tie rod end, idler arm and Pitman arm pivot ball studs.
Use care to avoid damaging seals while removing steering components.
- Remove the outer tie rod ends from the steering knuckles, using a tie rod end separator.
- Remove the inner tie rod ball studs from the center link. Once again using a tie rod end separator.
- Remove the idler arm ball studs from the center link.
- Remove the idler arm retaining nuts from the frame bracket bolts.
- Remove the drag link ball studs from the Pitman arm and the center link bore.
- Remove the retaining nut and the Pitman arm from the steering gear, using a Pitman arm puller.
- Examine all the steering linkage components. Replace as necessary.
- Examine all the steering linkage components. Replace as necessary.
- Position the idler arms at the frame brackets and install the retaining nuts. Tighten them to 70 ft. lbs. (95 Nm).
- Place the center link on the idler arm ball studs. Install and tighten the retaining nuts to 47 ft. lbs. (64 Nm). Install new cotter pins.
- Connect the tie rod end ball studs to the steering knuckles and to the center link. Tighten the 9 / 16 nuts to 18 -1 ft. lbs. (75 Nm) and the 5 / 8 inch nuts to 18-75 ft. lbs. (102 Nm). Install new cotter pins.
- Install the Pitman arm on the steering gear and tighten the nut to 175 ft. lbs. (237 Nm).
- Connect the drag link ball studs to the Pitman arm and to the center link. Tighten the nuts to 1 ft. lbs. (75 Nm), then install new cotter pins.
- Install the front wheels and lower the vehicle.
- Have the front end alignment checked.
See Figures 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9
Fig. Fig. 3: The tie rod connects the center link (left arrow) to the steering knuckle (right arrow)
Fig. Fig. 4: Prior to removing the tie rod, measure the tie rod length. Record this figure for installation reference
Fig. Fig. 5: Loosen the tie rod adjusting nut prior to disconnecting the tie rod end from the steering knuckle
Fig. Fig. 6: Using a pair of needlenose pliers, remove the cotter pin from the tie rod end's castle nut
Fig. Fig. 7: Unscrew the castle nut to the end of the stud. The nut will prevent the tie rod tool from damaging the end of the stud
Fig. Fig. 8: Install the tie rod tool and tighten to press the tie rod end from the steering knuckle
Only the tie rod end (outer tie rod) can be removed from heavy duty tie rods.
- Raise and safely support the vehicle securely on jackstands.
- Loosen the tie rod adjusting nut.
- Remove the cotter pin and nut from the tie rod end.
- Using a separator, free the tie rod end from the knuckle arm or center link.
- Count the exact number of threads visible between the tie rod end and the sleeve. Loosen the clamp bolts and unscrew the tie rod end.
- Screw the end into the sleeve until the exact number of threads originally noted is showing.
- Tighten the clamp nuts to 200 inch lbs. (22 Nm) on all vehicles except HD, or to 26 ft. lbs. (35 Nm) on HD models.
- Tighten the 9 / 16 nuts to 18 -1 ft. lbs. (75 Nm) and the 5 / 8 inch nuts to 18- 75 ft. lbs. (102 Nm). Install new cotter pins.